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4 products displayed

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002N-05983 Nucleic Acid T7 Polymerase Rescue System for recombinant Mopeia Virus (wt) Purified plasmids with: S segment of Mopeia virus, L segment of Mopeia Virus, NP Expression plasmid, L expression plasmid, all under T7 Polymerase promotor; 100 ng per Plasmid, shipped at RT. Rescue of virus requires cell line expressing T7 Polymease (e.g. BSR-T7 cells) or co-transfection of a T7 polymerase plasmid; cells are not included in this bundle Mopeia mammarenavirus Mopeia mammarenavirus Platinum In stock No RG BNI 1,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002V-05611 Virus Recombinant Tri-segmented Mopeia expressing ZsG and Rluc Recombinant Tri-segmented Mopeia virus containing two modified S segments with ZsGreen (ZsG) and Renilla luciferase (RLuc) eporter genes. This virus has one S segment containing RLuc and GP, and an additional S segment containing NP and ZsG. Mopeia mammarenavirus Mopeia virus Gold In stock RG2 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002V-05610 Virus Recombinant Tri-segmented Mopeia expressing RLuc and ZsG Recombinant Tri-segmented Mopeia virus containing two modified S segments with Renilla luciferase (RLuc) and ZsGreen (ZsG) reporter genes. This virus has one S segment containing ZsG and GP, and an additional S segment containing NP and Rluc. Mopeia mammarenavirus Mopeia virus Gold In stock RG2 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002V-05609 Virus Recombinant Bi-segmented Wild Type Mopeia Virus Recombinant wild type Mopeia virus rescued from wild type MOPV strain AN21366-BNI (Genebank accession numbers JN561684 and JN561685 Mopeia mammarenavirus Mopeia virus Gold In stock RG2 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
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