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11 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
006S-05710 Service Upon request virus stock production in a single batch under BSL2 conditions Virus production of viruses available on the EVAg catalogue from BMC-SAS in a single batch upon request containing 30 cryotubes containing 0.5mL. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 BMC-SAS 9,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
010S-04799 Service Principles and practice of virus neutralization assays Virus Neutralization Tests (VNT), also including plaque-reduction and foci-inhibition assays like PRNT and RFFIT, are the gold standard for determining antibody titers against viruses, and are essential serological tools. In this 5-day training the application and basic principles of VNTs will be discussed, and will be combined with wet lab training. The wet lab training will include all steps of the VNT, including analysis and interpretation of the results. The training will be provided on demand and can be designed for the following viruses: rabies virus (RABV), SARS-CoV-2, Zika virus, yellow fever virus and other flaviviruses, All lectures and lab training will be targeted to the virus of interest. After this training participants should have sufficient knowledge to establish VNTs in their own laboratory. Viruses Any virus (see additrional information) Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001S-03881 Service RG2 virus production in single batch RG2 virus production (available on the EVAg catalogue) in single batch upon request containing 30 freeze-dried vials. The specific detection system (5 vials) by real-time PCR will be provided in the same package. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 AMU 15,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
011S-03365 Service Course: From sequencing to sequence analysis This five-day course includes two modules that can be attended separately. In the first module (Ref-SKU: 011S-02851), the basic principles of routine virus typing that can be used for hospital epidemiology and public health will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all required laboratory and analysis procedures for routine typing of viruses. Typing of enteroviruses will be used as an example, but the general procedures are applicable to typing of other viruses also. After this module participants should have sufficient knowledge to introduce routine typing of viruses in their own laboratory. Special attention will be given to quality control and assay validation. Topics included: - PCR workflow - Nucleic Acid isolation - Reverse transcription and PCR - Sequencing and sequence analysis - Basic phylogeny for virus typing - Assay validation and Quality control in molecular diagnostics The second module is a hands-on three-day course which focuses on the analysis of sequences. After completion of the second analytical module, participants will be able to i) understand the statistical and biological background of sequence analysis including BLAST and phylogenetic approaches including neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and BEAST analysis, and ii) to independently perform and evaluate complex sequence analysis. Participants are invited to work under supervision on their own sequences. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 2,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
011S-03364 Service Course: From sequencing to sequence analysis This five-day course includes two modules that can be attended separately. In the first module (Ref-SKU: 011S-02851), the basic principles of routine virus typing that can be used for hospital epidemiology and public health will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all required laboratory and analysis procedures for routine typing of viruses. Typing of enteroviruses will be used as an example, but the general procedures are applicable to typing of other viruses also. After this module participants should have sufficient knowledge to introduce routine typing of viruses in their own laboratory. Special attention will be given to quality control and assay validation. Topics included: - PCR workflow - Nucleic Acid isolation - Reverse transcription and PCR - Sequencing and sequence analysis - Basic phylogeny for virus typing - Assay validation and Quality control in molecular diagnostics The second module is a hands-on three-day course which focuses on the analysis of sequences. After completion of the second analytical module, participants will be able to i) understand the statistical and biological background of sequence analysis including BLAST and phylogenetic approaches including neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and BEAST analysis, and ii) to independently perform and evaluate complex sequence analysis. Participants are invited to work under supervision on their own sequences. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 2,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
011S-03120 Service Serological tools to detect ARBO-viruses In this 3-day course the basic principles of serological testing against ARBO viruses will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all laboratory techniques including ELISA, Immunofluorescence and virus neutralization. Attention will be given to serological testing in cerebrospinal fluid, including the calculation of an antibody index. Other topics may include : cell culture, biosafety procedures, ELISA formats, different virus neutralization tests, immunofluorescence and staining of cells, calculation of titers, assay validation and quality control. Viruses Arboviruses Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
011S-02851 Service Training Course: PCR workflow and virus typing In this 3-day course the basic principles of routine virus typing will be addressed by a combination of lectures, demonstration and hands-on training. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all required laboratory and analysis procedures for routine typing of viruses. Typing of enteroviruses will be used as an example, but the general procedures are applicable to typing of other viruses also. After this course participants should have sufficient knowledge to introduce routine typing of viruses in their own laboratory. Special attention will be given to quality control and assay validation. Topics included: - PCR workflow - Nucleic Acid isolation - Reverse transcription and PCR - Sequencing and sequence analysis - Basic phylogeny for virus typing - Assay validation and Quality control in molecular diagnostics Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 ERASMUS-MC 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
015S-02836 Service Training course: establishment and management of large virus and cell culture collections up to BSL 2 conditions Access to our corresponding bio-bank laboratories. Detailed presentation of our two different established management systems of the accredited virus and cell culture collection of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute. This will include the theoretical demonstration and practical performance of individually selected standard operating procedures together with the end-user. Thereby, the focus will be on our established quality management procedures, but also main aspects of biosafety and biosecurity will be addressed. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 FLI 3,000€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001S-02711 Service Training course: Virus neutralisation as a highly specific method for seroprevalence studies: Toscana virus General description of the technique and required skills and equipment. Access to BSL2 laboratories. Reminder of biosafety and biosecurity procedures. Preparation of Vero cells in an adapted format. Preparation of sera and titrated virus. Read-out of the results and interpretation. Viruses Any virus In stock RG2 AMU 7,200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
015S-01707 Service Access to animal facilities to perform animal trials with large animals up to conditions of risk group 2 (animal health) Access to rooms in animal facilities to perform animal trials up to conditions of risk group 2 (public health or animal health). In our animal facilities we could accommodate e.g. fish, sheep, goats, pigs, cattle or poultry. Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 FLI 6,687.5€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
015S-01706 Service Access to animal facilities to perform animal trials with small animals up to conditions of risk group 2 (public health or animal health) Access to rooms in animal facilities to perform animal trials with small animals up to conditions of risk group 2 (public health). Viruses Any virus Upon request RG2 FLI 6,687.5€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available