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4 products displayed

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Shipping From:
Bratislava - SK
The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect castor bean tick nymphs (Ixodes ricinus). The nymphs will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 nymphs will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 nymphs and provided to the end-user.
Unit: Experimental infection of 200 nymph ticks
Virus name: 

14 000,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Bratislava - SK
The end-user provided virus (e.g. as a tick homogenate) will be used to experimentally infect adult castor bean ticks (Ixodes ricinus). The ticks will be infected by micro-capillary inoculation into the coxal plate of the second pair of legs (transcoxal infection) using a digital microinjector system. First, 100 ticks will be used for evaluation of the virus replication dynamics. Based on the obtained results, tick-derived virus stock will be generated from an additional 100 ticks and provided to the end-user.
Unit: Experimental infection of 200 ticks
Virus name: 

14 000,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

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Shipping From:
Rotterdam - NL
We offer a 5 day training session to colleagues from endemic regions. Participants will visit the Viroscience clinical virology lab, where they will perform all required laboratory and analysis procedures for the quantification rabies virus and neutralizing antibodies.
Unit: 5 days
Virus name: 

4 000,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Marseille - FR
Training in reverse genetics method (ISA method), recently developed to reconstitute an infectious Flavivirus or Alphavirus under BSL-3 conditions. The training comprises DNA fragments amplification by PCR; Transfection of the purified products into permissive cells; Viral culture; Molecular detection
Unit: 6 days training.
Virus name: 

4 100,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)