
This page lists scientific publications related to the EVAg project that were published in the journal entitled " Pharmaceuticals ". The default filter is set to "publications for which the research was funded by the EVAg project". You can change this filter to another value by picking a different filter from the drop-down list and clicking on the "Apply" button.

1 publications displayed

Date Namesort ascending Authors EVAg
Apr 2021 Host-Directed FDA-Approved Drugs with Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2 Identified by Hierarchical In Silico/In Vitro Screening Methods Ginex Tiziana, Garaigorta Urtzi, Ramírez David, Castro Victoria, Nozal Vanesa, Maestro Inés, García-Cárceles Javier, Campillo Nuria E., Martinez Ana, Gastaminza Pablo, Gil Carmen Research funded by EVAg, Published by EVAg end-user