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This page lists the EVAg products having been categorized as "Nucleic Acid". The additional filters enable you with creating a sub-selection of items of this list. The search engine above will seek products into the complete catalogue.

2 products displayed

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
Purified RNA of SARS-Coronavirus strain Frankfurt 1, grown in cell culture. Dislaimer: Import permit maybe be needed in your country for the SARS-CoV full virus RNA. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry.
Unit: 1 x 100 µl

500,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)

Produced by:
Shipping From:
Berlin - DE
In vitro transcribed RNA that contains priming sites for different Zika virus rt-PCRs, encapsulated within a protective protein coat.
Unit: 1 unit = 100 µl with 1000 cp / µl
Virus name: 
Zika v

0,00 €
(Cost per access for Academics)