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6 products displayed
Ref-SKU | Type | Product | Virus name | Product Risk Group | Provider | Cost per Access (Academics) | Add to Cart |
016V-00846 | Virus |
Bluetongue virus serotype 3: Reference strain
Reference Strain |
Bluetongue | RG3 | TPI | 2,000€ | Free access available |
001v-EVA121 | Virus | Ntaya virus strain UVE/NTAV/1943/US/ORIGINAL | Ntaya virus | RG2 | AMU | 500€ | Free access available |
001V-02386 | Virus | Sandfly Fever Naples Virus strain UVE/SFNV/UNK/IT/30451 | Sandfly fever Naples virus | RG2 | AMU | 400€ | Free access available |
001v-EVA77 | Virus | Sandfly fever Sicilian virus strain UVE/SFSV/1943/IT/Sabin | Sandfly fever Sicilian virus | RG2 | AMU | 400€ | Free access available |
001N-EVAg1582 | Nucleic Acid | Sandfly fever Naples virus RNA (strain 30451) | Sandfly fever Naples virus | RG1 | AMU | 100€ | Free access available |
001N-EVAg1581 | Nucleic Acid | Sandfly fever Sicilian virus RNA(strain Sabin) | Sandfly fever Sicilian virus | RG1 | AMU | 100€ | Free access available |