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5 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
024N-04756 Nucleic Acid Hendra virus reverse genetics clone Full length Hendra virus genome clone to produce recombinant virus Hendra henipavirus Hendra virus Hendra virus/Australia/horse/1994/Hendra Gold In stock RG2 CSIRO 3,000€ View all details on this product . . .
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029N-05939 Nucleic Acid Galinsoga mosaic virus cDNA clone Galinsoga mosaic virus full-length cDNA is cloned in plasmid pUC18, under the control of a T7 promoter, allowing for transcription of infectious RNA Galinsoga mosaic virus galinsoga mosaic virus Gold In stock RG1 CNR 200€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA114 Virus Kunjin virus strain UVE/KUNV/1960/AY/MRM 16 Freeze dried KUNJIN VIRUS, strain UVE/KUNV/1960/AY/MRM 16, Australia 1960, complete ORF sequenced. West Nile virus Kunjin virus UVE/KUNV/1960/AY/MRM 16 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA113 Virus Kokobera virus, strain UVE/KOKV/1960/AU/MRM 32/3265 Freeze-dried Kokobera virus, strain UVE/KOKV/1960/AU/MRM 32/3265, Australia 1960, complete ORF sequenced. Kokobera virus Kokobera virus UVE/KOKV/1960/AU/MRM 32/3265 Gold In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA90 Virus Saumarez Reef virus strain UVE/SREV/1974/AU/CSIRO 4 Freeze-dried Saumarez Reef virus strain UVE/SREV/1974/AU/CSIRO 4, Australia 1974, complete ORF sequence. Saumarez Reef virus Saumarez Reef virus UVE/SREV/1974/AU/CSIRO 4 Gold In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
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