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221 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
001V-02443 Virus Chikungunya virus, strain UVE/CHIKV/2009/FR/15.3 WT Freeze-dried Chikungunya virus, strain UVE/CHIKV/2009/FR/15.3 WT. This strain was obtained from modified infectious clone (LR2006_OPY1; La Reunion island 2006), transfected and cultivated on Vero cells Chikungunya virus Chikungunya virus UVE/CHIKV/2009/FR/15.3 WT Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-04663 Virus SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2022/FR/TCO, Omicron BA.2 Freeze-dried SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2022/FR/TCO, Omicron BA.2, France 2022, complete genome sequence Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2022/FR/TCO Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-04653 Virus SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/1514, Omicron Freeze-dried SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/1514, Omicron, France 2021, complete genome sequence Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/1514 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-04436 Virus SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/CO/6600 (Mu) Freeze-dried SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/CO/6600 (Mu), Colombia 2021 ,complete genome sequence Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/CO/6600 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02343 Virus Dengue 2, strain UVE/DENV-2/2016/TH/8309 Freeze dried, Dengue 2, strain UVE/DENV-2/2016/TH/8309, France 2016, complete genome sequence Dengue virus Dengue virus 2 UVE/DENV-2/2016/TH/8309 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02225 Virus Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1927/SN/French viscerotropic Freeze-dried Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1927/SN/French viscerotropic, Senegal, 1927, partial sequence. Yellow fever virus Yellow fever virus UVE/YFV/1927/SN/French viscerotropic Silver In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-04469 Virus SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/X1 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/X1 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) France 2021, complete genome sequence. Absence of spike mutation in A222 Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/X1 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-04282 Virus SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/0610 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) Freeze-dried SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/0610 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) France 2021, complete genome sequence. Presence of spike mutation A222V and absence of spike mutation Y145H. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2/2021/FR/0610 (Lineage B 1.617.2, Delta) Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 1,500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA145 Virus Murrey Valley Encephalitis Virus strain UVE/MVEV/UNK/AU/3329 Freeze-dried Murrey Valley Encephalitis Virus strain UVE/MVEV/UNK/AU/3329, Australia, complete ORF sequence. Murray Valley encephalitis virus Murray Valley encephalitis virus UVE/MVEV/UNK/AU/3329 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA502 Virus Mayaro virus, strain UVE/MAYV/1954/TT/TC625 Freeze-dried Mayaro Virus,strain UVE/MAYV/1954/TT/TC625, Trinidad 1954, complete ORF sequence. Mayaro virus Mayaro virus UVE/MAYV/1954/TT/TC625 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02468 Virus Semliki Forest virus, strain UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745 Freeze dried Semliki Forest virus, strain UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745, partial sequence Semliki Forest virus Semliki forest virus UVE/SFV/UNK/XX/1745 Silver In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02221 Virus Tick-borne encephalitis virus Far eastern subtype strain UVE/TBEV/1995/JP/Oshima 5.10 Freeze-dried Tick-borne encephalitis virus Far eastern subtype strain UVE/TBEV/1995/JP/Oshima 5.10 , Japan 1995, complete ORF sequence Tick-borne encephalitis virus Tick borne encephalitis virus UVE/TBEV/1995/JP/Oshima 5.10 Oshima 5.10 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA134 Virus Tick-borne encephalitis virus Western subtype strain UVE/TBEV/1953/CZ/Hypr Freeze-dried Tick-borne encephalitis virus WESTERN SUBTYPE strain UVE/TBEV/1953/CZ/Hypr, Czechoslovakia, 1953, complete ORF sequence Tick-borne encephalitis virus Tick-borne encephalitis virus UVE/TBEV/1953/CZ/Hypr Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA1461 Virus West Nile virus, strain UVE/WNV/1940/UG/UG 956 D117 Freeze-dried West Nile virus, strain UVE/WNV/1940/UG/UG 956 D117, issued from infectious clone (M12294), complete genome sequenced. West Nile virus West Nile virus UVE/WNV/1940/UG/UG 956 D117 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA1479 Virus Western Equine Encephalitis virus, strain UVE/WEEV/UNK/XX/47a Freeze-dried Western Equine encephalitis virus, strain UVE/WEEV/UNK/XX/47a, complete ORF sequence. Western equine encephalitis virus Western equine encephalitis virus UVE/WEEV/UNK/XX/47a Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001V-02227 Virus Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1927/GN/Asibi Freeze-dried Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1927/GN/Asibi, complete ORF sequenced . It was produced by ISA method from "AY640589" genbank sequence. Yellow fever virus Yellow fever virus UVE/YFV/1927/GN/Asibi Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001V-02235 Virus Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1948/UG/MR896 TVP3236 Freeze-dried Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1948/UG/MR896 TVP3236, Uganda 1948, complete ORF sequence Yellow fever virus Yellow fever virus UVE/YFV/1948/UG/MR896 TVP3236 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001V-02234 Virus Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1970/NG/A-Adeoye TVP 3223 Freeze-dried Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1970/NG/A-Adeoye TVP 3223 , Nigeria 1970, complete ORF sequence Yellow fever virus Yellow fever virus UVE/YFV/1970/NG/A-Adeoye TVP 3223 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001V-02233 Virus Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1983/BF/SH38580 TVP 1665 Freeze-dried Yellow fever virus, strain UVE/YFV/1983/BF/SH38580 TVP 1665, Burkina Faso 1983, complete ORF sequence Yellow fever virus Yellow fever virus UVE/YFV/1983/BF/SH38580 TVP 1665 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA91 Virus West Nile virus UVE/WNV/UNK/CF/Ar B 3573/82 Freeze dried West Nile virus strain UVE/WNV/UNK/CF/Ar B 3573/82, Central African Republic, complete ORF sequenced. West Nile virus West Nile virus UVE/WNV/UNK/CF/Ar B 3573/82 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001V-02215 Virus West Nile virus strain UVE/WNV/2001/FR/DON2001 Freeze dried West Nile virus, strain UVE/WNV/2001/FR/DON2001, France, 2001, complete ORF sequenced. West Nile virus West Nile virus UVE/WNV/2001/FR/DON2001 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA140 Virus West Nile virus strain UVE/WNV/1999/US/NY 385-99 Freeze dried West Nile virus, strain UVE/WNV/1999/US/NY 385-99, USA, 1999, complete ORF sequenced. West Nile virus West Nile virus UVE/WNV/1999/US/NY 385-99 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA128 Virus Saint Louis encephalitis virus strain UVE/SLEV/UNK/US/MSI-7 Freeze-dried Saint Louis encephalitis virus strain UVE/SLEV/UNK/US/MSI-7, USA, complete ORF sequence. Saint Louis encephalitis virus St. Louis encephalitis virus UVE/SLEV/UNK/US/MSI-7 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA126 Virus Rocio virus, strain UVE/ROCV/1975/BR/5P H34 675 Freeze-dried Rocio virus, strain UVE/ROCV/1975/BR/5P H34 675, Brazil 1975, complete ORF sequenced. Ilheus virus Rocio virus UVE/ROCV/1975/BR/5P H34 675 Gold In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
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001v-EVA147 Virus Deer Tick Virus strain UVE/DTV/UNK/US/CT-390 Freeze-dried Deer Tick Virus strain UVE/DTV/UNK/US/CT-390, USA , partial sequence. Flavivirus Deer tick virus UVE/DTV/UNK/US/CT-390 Silver In stock RG3 AMU 600€ View all details on this product . . .
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