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65 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Isolate Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
006N-02635 Nucleic Acid pHIV-LTR_DeltaSph-Sal-envStop Mutant of HIV-1 with deletions between SphI and SalI of pNL4-3, resulting in a frameshift in the gag gene; TAG stop codon inserted in gp41, truncating the endodomain Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Clade B Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006N-02637 Nucleic Acid pHIV-1_deltaVpu Deletion mutant of HIV-1 with deletion and frame shift in the vpu gene; virus remains infectious in vitro. Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Clade B Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
006N-02660 Nucleic Acid pHIV-1_deltaEnv-dSX Recombinant HIV-1 mutant with deletion of env, with loss of tat, rev, env, nef function Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 Clade B Platinum In stock RG2 UNIBAS 675€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-03137 Virus Dengue virus serotype 1, strain UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_04 Freeze-dried Dengue virus 1, strain UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_04, Martinique, 2010, complete genome Dengue virus Dengue virus 1 UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_04 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02311 Virus Dengue virus serotype 1, strain UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_02 Freeze-dried Dengue virus 1, strain UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_02, Martinique, 2010, complete genome Dengue virus Dengue virus 1 UVE/DENV-1/2010/MQ/MART_02 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA1546 Virus Coxsackievirus A24, strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK14St Frozen Coxsackievirus A24, strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK14St (clinical strain), Laos 2010, complete ORF sequence. Enterovirus C coxsackievirus A24 UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK14St Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001v-EVA1549 Virus Coxsackievirus A24 strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK65St Freeze dried coxsackievirus A24, strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK65St (clinical strain), Laos 2010, complete ORF sequence. Enterovirus C coxsackievirus A24 UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/ HFMK65St Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02362 Virus Dengue virus serotype 4, strain UVE/DENV-4/2010/MQ/MART_015 Freeze-dried Dengue virus 4, strain UVE/DENV-4/2010/MQ/MART_015, Martinique, 2010, complete genome Dengue virus Dengue virus 4 UVE/DENV-4/2010/MQ/MART_015 Platinum In stock RG3 AMU 700€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02520 Virus Coxsackievirus A24, strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/HFMK 15TS Freeze-dried Coxsackievirus A24, strain UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/HFMK 15TS, Laos 2010, complete ORF sequence Enterovirus C coxsackievirus A24 UVE/CV-A24/2010/LA/HFMK 15TS Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02119 Virus Toscana virus, strain UVE/TOSV/2010/TN/ T152 Freeze-dried Toscana virus, strain UVE/TOSV/2010/TN/ T152, Tunisia 2010, complete genome Naples phlebovirus Toscana virus UVE/TOSV/2010/TN/ T152 Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
001V-02442 Virus Toscana virus strain UVE/TOSV/2010/FR/4319 Freeze-dried Toscana virus virus, strain UVE/TOSV/2010/FR/4319 , France, 2010, complete coding sequence. Naples phlebovirus Toscana virus UVE/TOSV/2010/FR/4319 Platinum In stock RG2 AMU 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002v-EVA1393 Virus Usutu virus isolate 1477 infectious cell culture supernatant. This Usutu virus[1477] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were not performed. To confirm its identity the virus has been partly sequenced. Usutu virus Usutu virus 1477 Platinum In stock RG2 BNI 500€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002v-EVA400 Virus Andes Virus 9717869/AF291704 Infectious cell culture supernatant. This Andes virus[9717869/AF425256] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative. To confirm its identity the virus has been fully sequenced. Andes orthohantavirus Andes virus 9717869/AF425256 Platinum In stock RG3 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002v-EVA967 Virus Dengue virus Type 1 Isolate 8356/10 infectious cell culture supernatant. This Dengue virus[8356/10] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative. To confirm its identity the virus has been partly sequenced. Dengue virus Dengue virus 8356/10 Platinum In stock RG3 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
Free access available
002v-EVA993 Virus Dengue virus Type 4 Isolate 6120/10 infectious cell culture supernatant. This Dengue virus[6120/10] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative. To confirm its identity the virus has been partly sequenced. Dengue virus Dengue virus 6120/10 Platinum In stock RG3 BNI 3,637.38€ View all details on this product . . .
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