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196 products displayed

Ref-SKU Type Product Description ICTV Taxonomy Virus name Strain Product Grading Availability Product Risk Group Provider Cost per Access (Academics) More info Add to Cart
100N-EVA1234 Nucleic Acid Expression Clone MHV nsp3 (His Nterm) Expression clone of MHV nsp3 Domain, in fusion with a Nterminal His Tag coding sequence Murine coronavirus Murine hepatitis virus A59 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1233 Nucleic Acid Expression Clone MHV nsp3 (His Nterm) Expression clone of MHV nsp3 Domain (UNK+UNK+Protease), in fusion with a N terminus coding sequence Murine coronavirus Murine hepatitis virus A59 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1209 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp4 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp4, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1208 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp9 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp9, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1207 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp9 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp9, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1206 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp8 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp8, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1205 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp8 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp8, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1204 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp7 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp7, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1203 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp7 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp7, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1202 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp5 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp5, Full gene (Protease), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1201 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp5 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp5, Full gene (Protease), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1200 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp 16 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp16, Full gene (2'o MTase), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1199 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp16 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp16, Full gene(2'O MTAse), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1198 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp15 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp15, Full gene (NendoU), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1197 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp14 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp14, Full gene(Exonuclease), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1196 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV nsp13 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp13, Full gene(Hel), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1195 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp10 (His Nterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp10, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1194 Nucleic Acid Entry Plasmid with TGEV Nsp10 (His Cterm) Entry Plasmid of TGEV Nsp10, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1331 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with TGEV nsp10 (His Cterm) Expression Plasmid of TGEV Nsp10, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1330 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid TGEV Macro Domain(His Nterm) Expression Plasmid of TGEV Macro Domain, in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Purdue Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1300 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with FIPV nsp8 (His Cterm) Expression Plasmid of FIPV Nsp8, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Feline infectious peritonitis virus WSU79 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1299 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with FIPV nsp7 (His Nterm) Expression Plasmid of FIPV Nsp7, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Feline infectious peritonitis virus WSU79 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1298 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with FIPV nsp7 (His Cterm) Expression Plasmid of FIPV Nsp7, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Feline infectious peritonitis virus WSU79 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1297 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with FIPV nsp5 (His Cterm) Expression Plasmid of FIPV Nsp5, Full gene (protease), in fusion with a C-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Feline infectious peritonitis virus WSU79 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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100N-EVA1296 Nucleic Acid Expression Plasmid with FIPV nsp4 (His Nterm) Expression Plasmid of FIPV Nsp4, Full gene (UNK), in fusion with a N-Terminal His tag coding sequence for expression in E. coli Alphacoronavirus 1 Feline infectious peritonitis virus WSU79 Platinum In stock RG1 AMU_b 200€ View all details on this product . . .
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