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41 products displayed
Ref-SKU | Type | Product | Description | ICTV Taxonomy | Virus name | Isolate | Product Grading | Availability | Product Risk Group | Provider | Cost per Access (Academics) | More info | Add to Cart |
021V-06107 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), 1983, Russia, genogroup 1b, isolate P4 | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), Russian isolate P4 from Common carp, genogroup 1b, viable virus | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | Russian isolate P4 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06106 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), 1983, Moldova, genogroup 1d | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), M2-78 isolate from Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), Moldova, genogroup 1d | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | M2-78 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06105 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), 1988, UK, genogroup 1d | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), UK isolate 880062 from carp (Cyprinus carpio), UK, England, genogroup 1d | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | UK isolate 880062 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06104 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus, goldfish (Carassius auratus), 2011, UK ex China, genogroup 1a (Asian), subgroup 1ai | Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV), UK isolation P016, genogroup 1a, subgroup 1ai, live virus | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | UK isolate, P016, isolated from goldfish imported from China | Platinum | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06103 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), 1980, Canada, genogroup 4, serogroup A8, Canada 3 (C3) isolate | IPNV genogroup 4 (serogroup A8) Canada 3 (C3) isolate, Canada | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Canada 3 (C3) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06102 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 1980, Canada, genogroup 4, serogroup A7, Canada 2 (C2) isolate | IPNV genogroup 4 (serogroup A7) Canada 2 (C2) isolate, Canada | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Canada 2 (C2) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06101 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 1980, Canada, genogroup 3, serogroup A6, Canada 1 (C1) isolate | IPNV genogroup 3 (serogroup A6) Canada 1 (C1) isolate, Canada | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Canada 1 (C1) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06100 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Rainbow trout (Oncorrhybchus mykiss), 1991, Canada, genogroup 1, serogroup A1, Jasper isolate | IPNV genogroup 1 (serogroup A9) Jasper isolate, Canada | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Jasper | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06099 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Tellina (Tellina tenius), 1976, UK, serogroup B, Tellina (TV-1) isolate | IPNV, serogroup B, Tellina (TV-1) isolate, UK | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | TV-1 | Platinum | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06098 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Tellina (Tellina tenius), 1976, UK, genogroup 3, serogroup A5, Tellina (Te) isolate | IPNV, genogroup 3 (serogroup A5) Tellina (Te, TV-2) isolate, UK | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Tellina (Te) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06097 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Northern pike (Esox lucius), 1977, Germany, genogroup 6, serogroup A4, Hecht isolate | IPNV genogroup 6 (serogroup A4) Hecht isolate, Germany | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Hecht | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06096 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Rainbow trout (Oncorrhybchus mykiss), 1991, USA, genogroup 1, serogroup A1, Buhl isolate | IPNV genogroup 1 (serogroup A1) Buhl isolate, USA | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Buhl | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06095 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate C2 (M4/1/93a), Serogroup C | Serogroup C aquabirnavirus from Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate C2 (M4/1/93a) | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup C | C2 (M4/1/93a) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06094 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate C1 (M4/1/93a), Serogroup C | Serogroup C aquabirnavirus from Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate C1 (M4/1/93a) | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup C | C1 (M4/1/93a) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06093 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate T2 (M5/3/93) | Serogroup C aquabirnavirus from Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata), 1993, Thailand, isolate T2 (M5/3/93) | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup C | T2 (M5/3/93) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06092 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Ram chichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi), 1998, Malaysia, isolate M5 (A16/02/98) | Serogroup D aquabirnavirus from Ram chichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi), 1998, Malaysia | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup D | M5 (A16/02/98) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06091 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Ram chichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi), 1997, Malaysia, isolate M4 (A03/04/97) | Serogroup D aquabirnavirus from Ram chichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi), 1997, Malaysia | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup D | M4 (A03/04/97) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06090 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), 1997, Malaysia, isolate M3 (A16/09/97) | Serogroup D aquabirnavirus from Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), 1997, Malaysia | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup D | M3 (A16/09/97) | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06089 | Virus | Aquabirnavirus, Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), 1995, Malaysia, isolate M2 (A08/12/95) | Serogroup D aquabirnavirus from Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), Malaysia, 1995 | Aquabirnavirus | Aquabirnavirus serogroup D | M2, A08/12/95 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06088 | Virus | Blotched snakehead virus (BSNV), Blotched snakehead (Channa lucius), 1991, Thailand | Blosnavirus channae, Blotched snakehead virus (BSNV), serogroup C aquabirnavirus | Blosnavirus | Blotched snakehead virus (BSNV) | BSNV | Platinum | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06087 | Virus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), 2005, UK Scotland, genogroup 5, serogroup A2 | IPNV genogroup 5 (serogroup A2) UK isolate | Aquabirnavirus | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | V0512-1 | Silver | Available within 2 weeks | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06086 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus), 2003, UK, genogroup 1d | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), UK isolate F223 from Koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus), UK, England, genogroup 1d | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | UK isolate F223 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06085 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus), 2004, UK, genogroup 1d | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), Uk isolate G221 from Koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus), UK, England, genogroup 1d | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | UK isolate G221 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06084 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), 1986, Ukraine, genogroup 1c | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), isolate N1-5 from Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), Ukraine, genogroup 1c | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | Ukrainian isolate N1-5 | Silver | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |
021V-06083 | Virus | Spring viraemia of Carp virus (SVCV), Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1989, Ukraine, genogroup 1b | Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV), Ukrainian isolate from Rainbow trout, genogroup 1b, viable virus | Carp sprivivirus | Spring viraemia of carp virus | Ukrainian isolate RHV | Platinum | In stock | RG2 | DEFRA-CEFAS | 1,000€ | View all details on this product . . . | Free access available |