This page lists the EVAg products having been related to the "Alphavirus"
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Eastern equine encephalitis virus original isolate. This Eastern equine encephalitis virus[EEE 2090-EEE 2090] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative.
Chikungunya virus, strain Ross original isolate. This Chikungunya virus[Ross] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative.
Semliki forest virus original isolate. This Semliki forest virus[original.] is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C.Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative.
This was originally supposed to be isolated in 1975 from a frog Rana ridibunda (Kozuch et al., Acta virol. 22: 78, 1978), isolated and passaged on suckling mice and stored freeze-dried.
Sindbis virus original isolate. This Sindbis virus[Sindbis 183] is freeze dried. Tests for the presence of mycoplasmae were negative. To confirm its identity the virus has been partly sequenced.