BMC Neuroscience

This page lists scientific publications related to the EVAg project that were published in the journal entitled " BMC Neuroscience ". The default filter is set to "publications for which the research was funded by the EVAg project". You can change this filter to another value by picking a different filter from the drop-down list and clicking on the "Apply" button.

1 publications displayed

Datesort ascending Name Authors EVAg
Feb 2018 Characterisation of Zika virus infection in primary human astrocytes Stefanik Michal, Formanova Petra, Bily Tomas, Vancova Marie, Eyer Ludek, Palus Martin, Salat Jiri, Braconi Carla Torres, Zanotto Paolo M. de A., Gould Ernest A., Ruzek Daniel Research funded by EVAg, Published by EVAg partner