- Tagged as
- - Viral RNA
- - Diagnostic reagent
- - Derived product
- - Nucleic Acid
Produced by
: ERASMUS-MC Shipping From
: Rotterdam - NL
Product Description
011N-03868 Panel consists of (cell-culture) RNA from different coronaviruses (HCoV-Nl63, HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV) and is intended for use as control of specificity of molecular assays.
This panel contains sufficient RNA for t least 5 experiments.
"Disclaimer: Import permit may be needed in your country for SARS-CoV full virus RNA. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry". Product for Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus.
NB: indicated price is only valid for non-profit laboratories. Commercial users will be contacted about pricing.
Product Risk Group:
Information on the related virus
ICTV Taxonomy:
Riboviria / Orthornavirae / Pisuviricota / Pisoniviricetes / Nidovirales / Cornidovirineae / Coronaviridae / Orthocoronavirinae / Alphacoronavirus / Setracovirus / Human coronavirus NL63
Riboviria / Orthornavirae / Pisuviricota / Pisoniviricetes / Nidovirales / Cornidovirineae / Coronaviridae / Orthocoronavirinae / Alphacoronavirus / Duvinacovirus / Human coronavirus 229E
Riboviria / Orthornavirae / Pisuviricota / Pisoniviricetes / Nidovirales / Cornidovirineae / Coronaviridae / Orthocoronavirinae / Betacoronavirus / Merbecovirus / Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
Cloned Product: No
Can it be used to produce GMO:
Biosafety restrictions:
"Disclaimer: Import permit may be needed in your country for SARS-CoV full virus RNA. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry"
Not sequenced
Identification technique:
Nucleic Acid preparation technique:
Magnapure 96
Storage conditions:
Nuclease-Free Water -80C
Shipping conditions:
IATA Classification:
Virus host type:
Previous Name or Taxonomy:
Product for both Alpha - and Betacoronavirus. "Disclaimer: Import permit may be needed in your country for SARS-CoV full virus RNA. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry"
Information about the origin of the product
Biological material origin:
Natural origin
Collection date: BEFORE
Thursday, 16 January, 2020
Country of collection:
Comments (3)
I would like to have more information about the SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 [Ref-SKU: 004N-02005 ] and the Coronavirus RNA specificity panel [Ref-SKU: 011N-03868].
What are the prices of these 2 references for non academic company?
Does the Coronavirus RNA specificity panel contain one tube per coronavirus? Which quantity of DNA per tubes?
What is the delivery delay for these 2 products ?
Thank you for your help,
Camille Saudemont
I ask you the same question as Camille Saudemont.
Does the Coronavirus RNA specificity panel contain one tube per coronavirus or it's a mix?
Thank's a lot
Fabrice Gallais
Hi, It is a mix.