Core Partner, BSL3, EU
RIVM is the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, a governmental research and knowledge institute providing policy support to the Dutch government. The independent position of RIVM is set by law. RIVM performs tasks to safeguard and promote public health and environmental quality in the Netherlands. In its role, RIVM provides the government with impartial advice on infectious diseases, vaccination programmes, population screening, life style, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, environment, sustainability, safety and security. The main tasks of RIVM are: 1) to conduct research; 2) to provide policy advice and recommendations; 3) to direct and implement prevention and control response (e.g. national coordination of health and environmental monitoring programmes); 4) to coordinate intervention programs; 5) to provide information to professionals and the general public. RIVM also carries out activities for other international organizations such as the WHO, EFSA and OECD. Moreover, RIVM transfers knowledge specifically aimed at capacity and institution building in for instance EU pre-accession countries and developing countries. The scientific quality of RIVM work is monitored by the Scientific Advisory Board, which includes a number of well-respected scientists. RIVM (~1,500 employees) has a proven track record regarding the execution of EU funded projects: involved in >70 FP7projects and currently participating in about 24 H2020 projects.
The RIVM Centre for Infectious Disease Control (CIb), ismandated by the Ministry of Health to coordinate the surveillance, identification and management of all infectious diseases threats. This includes a governing role in emerging infectious disease preparedness and response. It provides surveillance, risk assessment and management, laboratory research and diagnosis, outbreak management and control. The CIb-RIVM hosts, links and coordinates (inter)national reference laboratories for infectious diseases and as such harbours experts, expertise and collections ofreference materials. RIVM works in close collaboration with national and EU authorities, ECDC, GOARN and WHO. RIVM hosts nine WHO Collaborating Centres regarding a number of key topics, e.g. WHO CCs for Measles and Rubella, for Infectious Disease Preparedness and IHR monitoring and evaluation, and WHO reference laboratories for poliovirus and poxviruses. Furthermore, CIb-RIVM hosts the National Influenza Centre, reference tasks for Noroviruses and emerging infections. To strengthen its activities CIb-RIVM conducts basic and translational research on a range of viral infections of both humans, animals and vectors including influenza virus A and B, coronaviruses, noroviruses, Hepatitis A,B and C, measles virus, rubella virus, enteroviruses, endemic and imported flaviviruses, alphaviruses and orthohantaviruses. This research includes the development of molecular and serology tools such as reagents, tests and protocols for the detection and detailed characterization of emerging viruses including the presence of platforms to respond rapidly with diagnostic toolboxes for novel emerging threats for which RIVM has a track record with e.g. MERS-CoV and Schmallenbergvirus. The coordinator of the ECDC-funded expert laboratory network for emerging viruses is affiliated to CIb-RIVM as are the leaders of two Workpackages in the new (follow-up of EMERGE JA) EU DG-San funded Joint Action SHARP "Strengthened International HeAlth Regulations and Preparedness in the EU". Both preparedness nertworks have strongly interacted in European capacity building activities with EVAg in the past. Based on these connections this partner can facilitate connections (including exchange of information and materials related to capacity building) between EVA-global and European reference laboratories.