Core Partner, BSL3, Non EU
The Pasteur Institute in Dakar which has been created in 1923, is a private non profit Senegalese foundation, recognized to be of public utility, and authorized to contribute to public health, especially in Africa and particularly in Senegal, by implementing activities of research, teaching, training, medical expertise, epidemiology, biology and production of yellow feverl vaccine, in conditions fixed by statutes signed between the government of The Republic of Senegal and The Institut Pasteur, on September 29th, 2009.
InstitutPasteur de Dakar is a leading institution in research, public health and training in West Africa in the field of infectious diseases namely malaria, arboviruses and viral haemorrhagic fever (AVHF), influenza, diarrheal diseases and antimicrobial resistance. IPD has a long-standing interest for AVHF with major discoveries and contribution as Yellow fever virus first isolation in 1927 or YF vaccine discovery. The AVHF unit (AVHFU) of IPD is a WHO Collaborating Center for arbovirus and viral haemorrhagic fever since 1963 and has such has been involved in all major outbreaks of yellow fever, dengue, Rift valley fever, CCHF, Marburg, Ebola throughout the different region in Africa. IPD is involved as laboratory of the platform funded by Wellcome Trust for Clinical trials on Ebola experimental therapies and vaccines. AVHFU is performing research on diagnostics, virus vector interactions, virus molecular evolution, risk assessment and modeling of arboviruses and viral haemorrhagic fever. IPD hosts National reference Centers and WHOCC including Respiratory Infectious diseases, Influenza, etc.
IPD hosts a collection of more than 7,000 isolates from 200 species of arboviruses and Viral haemorrhagic fevers.
Public health
- WHO Collaborating Centre for arboviruses and viral hemorrhagic fevers
- National Reference Centre for flu, poliovirus, measles, rabies and enterobacteria
- WHO National Laboratory for flu, measles and poliomyelitis
- International Vaccination center
- Biomedical and pathology analyses, food safety and environmental health tests
Teaching & training
- Internships and training for students, technicians, biologists and doctoral students
- International courses (arbovirologie, rabies, biostatistic…)