Live West Caucasian bat lyssavirus in tissue culture supernatant. This lyssavirus [WCBV/Arezzo/Italy/cat/2020] has been cultured in BSR cells (a clone of BHK21), titrated and fully genome sequenced.
This product represents cDNA material, transcribed with random hexamers from total RNA extracted from the viral stock of SARS-CoV-2 strain Slovakia/SK-BMC5/2020 which is available as a viable virus under Ref-SKU: 006V-03933.
Infectious cell culture supernatant containing SARS-Cov-2 (strain Slovenia/SI-4265/20, D614G). This strain is preserved under Viral Storage Medium -80C. To confirm its identity the virus has been completely sequenced.
Purified RNA of Coronavirus strain "BetaCoV/Germany/BavPat1/2020 p.1" grown in cell culture. Dislaimer: Import permit maybe be needed in your country. If yes, please indicate so in your online enquiry.
Freeze-dried SARS-CoV-2 virus, strain UVE/SARS-CoV-2/2020/FR/702, France 2020, complete genome sequence.
NB: this virus contains the G614 european mutation in the spike sequence
This SARS-CoV-2 strain was isolated from a COVID-19 patient from Slovakia in march 2020. Its complete sequence is deposited on under the accesion ID EPI_ISL_417879.
This SARS-CoV-2 strain was isolated from a COVID-19 patient from Slovakia in March 2020. Its complete sequence is deposited on under the accession ID EPI_ISL_417879. The virus is freeze-dried.